Boulder Steel

Boulder Steel and Gold

Gold glories in its rarity. Undoubtedly one of the world’s most valuable minerals, gold has moved on to serve many purposes across man’s existences. Until the presence of paper money and metal coins, gold was a currency unit in many nations. It was a similar case in Australia under the gold standard.

Despite the relegation of gold as non-currency material, it still maintains an absolute value. It is currently in use for other purposes ranging from jewellery to ornaments. At Boulder Steel Mining, we are in the business of making gold available to users across Australia and the world.

We understand that gold is one of the world’s most precious resources. As such, we adopt the same care and value in our processing of this rare mineral. Many people associate gold with greatness; so do we at Boulder Steel Mining. We mine pure gold in nuggets and gold dust for a variety of uses.

Our Processes

Gold comes to us in a pure, undiluted form. However, it still requires several processes to achieve an end-product that is both aesthetic and well-shaped for general use. At Boulder Steel Mining, here are the typical processes gold undergoes to reach a usable form.

Mining: Gold mining processes in a topography like what is available in Australia is diverse. Our major mining processes at Boulder Steel Mining include underground mining and open-cut mining. Underground mining involves applying spiral tunnels and vertical shafts to channel workers and equipment below the surface.

On the flip side, open-cut mining involves gold deposit available above the earth’s crust. Heavy hydraulics move waste rock from ore surface. Miners blast these rock particles to extract hidden ore.

Crushing: Ore derived from mining further undergo crushing. Our mining An integral technique adopted by Boulder Steel Mining engineers is to separate gold from powdery residue. Thick gold is also divided by gravity concentration and the washing away of waste and powder.

Chemical treatment: We subject our crushed gold to chemical treatment processes. Notably, we place gold ores in chemical solutions like dilute cyanide solution, sodium cyanide solutions. These leaching methods significantly gold that is free from other metal elements like carbon and metal pellets.

Melting: Our processing method involves smelting treated gold. We melt gold in furnaces to absorb metal impurities.

Purification: This final processing step involves refining using chemical processes. At Boulder Steel Mining, the most common purification methods are electrolytic purification and chlorination.  


Despite the reduced use of gold as a currency, several industries still thrive on the mineral resource for value. Our processed gold at Boulder Steel Mining enjoys application in the following uses

  1. Ornaments and Jewelry
  2. Electrical conductor and wiring
  3. Decoration and coating
  4. Gold coins and store of wealth
  5. Protective shield
  6. Health and organ replacement

Why Clients Choose our Gold Processing Services

We maintain high standing among other miners of the rare natural resource. We operate based on modern and industry-standard equipment and extraction processes. Our staff are well-trained experts with decades of experience in their respective areas of gold mining and exploration.